01 Jan It’s already done by Dr Mike Okonkwo
2 Cor 9:8 (KJV) ‘’And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work….’’
In this first message of 2016, I come to announce to you that it is already done. God has already gone ahead of you. Hitherto you have stayed too long on the floor, but I prophesy that your rising begins now. Thank God for New Year resolutions, plans, and projections but beloved, it is not about what you can do, but it is all about what He did before the foundations of the Earth was laid. Let me illustrate this with the story of the exodus.
First and foremost, you will remember that in Exodus 12, it is recorded that God asked His people in Egypt to borrow jewels of silver, jewels of gold and raiment from the Egyptians and the Bible says they found favor in their sight and they lent to them such things as they required – and they spoiled the Egyptians. Right from the very start, the God of All Sufficiency knowing they were going to leave Egypt for the journey into the wilderness, provided them with much more than they needed. Child of God let me announce to you ahead of time that 2016 would deliver its goodness to you. It doesn’t matter what the economy says, your God has already gone ahead to declare your sufficiency in all areas. Put on your imagination – slaves who had had known nothing but hardship, were setting out of Egypt very rich. That is the God you serve.
You will also notice that in Exodus 14, after they had left Egypt, Pharaoh and his cohorts suddenly pursued them with horses and chariots to bring them back to bondage and slavery. You can see that the devil would always fight the plans and purposes of God over your life, but it’s too late because your God is always a step ahead. At the Red sea, we are told that God’s people became stuck and Pharaoh intensified his pursuit thinking he had them pinned down but unknown to him, it was a set up to wipe them all out. In verse 15, I perceive that God cleared His throat and commanded Moses to tell the people to go forward. Moses would have thought to himself, how can we go forward when the Red Sea is right in front of us? However, all he ever heard was go forward as impossible as it sounded. God had spoken and there was no going back. God was saying in effect, you may not see a way through the sea, but I am going to make a way for you even where none exists.
The clincher however, was that Moses obeyed what God had said. Acting on what God said, the people walked through the sea supernaturally, without struggle and continued their journey as if nothing happened. In like manner, I declare that this year, no plan of the enemy concerning your life will come to pass. God will prove Himself in your life. You will experience the supernatural. From today to the last day of this year, you will see the goodness of God in your life. Beloved, God has spoken concerning this year so expect great things to happen for you. It is a decision you must take. You must choose to believe God for what He has said. Don’t cancel yourself out.
I therefore challenge you to stay connected to God’s word which is the only thing that is constant. Every other thing will fail but not the word. Remember that God’s word to Moses was ‘Go Forward’ and for as long as he heeded to what God said he had victory. God never starts anything without His word. Whenever God wants to do anything on the Earth, He sends His word ahead of time and that settles it. The Psalmist says in Ps 119:89 ‘’Forever, O lord, thy word is settled in heaven.’’ Beloved, fix your mind at all times on the word He has given you for the year, bury your head in it and expect the best.
Another important decision you must take this New Year is to always sit always at the feet of the Master. As we climax the age, evil will increase and so you cannot afford to forsake His presence. The devil, like a roaring lion is still in the business of looking for those whom he may devour so don’t toy with your Christian experience. Like I said during the cross over service and it bears repetition, you need to know the well you are drinking from. Joseph was a fruitful bough because he stayed by the well. He always had advance information and was able to withstand all the arrows shot at him. They shot arrows of jealousy, blackmail and injustice against him yet he was unstoppable. The man was remembered at a critical time and season and because he was connected to God, he was able to preserve generations after him.
This year, I encourage you to stay connected and take advantage of your position in Christ. When next the enemy comes around, remind him that you are a joint heir with Christ and let him know that the Greater One lives in you and he will flee from you. Whatever cannot touch Christ cannot touch you.
I am standing in faith with you that this year, God will spring surprises in your life. You will eat the good of the land and your barns shall burst forth with plenty. I bless you. Maranatha! In His Royal Service
Dr. Mike Okonkwo, The Presiding Bishop
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